Discounts and Markups - A User's Guide

Article ID: 147


An Introduction to Discounts in the VRM System. Includes information related to owner markups, discount codes, enhanced discount functionality, etc.

Discount and Markup Functionality User Guide

This functionality allows you to apply Discounts or Markups to the reservation based on flexible criteria like date range, occupancy, and days of the week.  The following videos explain how to set up discounts and Owner Markups.

Discounts: A How To

Discounts: Owner Mark-Ups - What Are They?

Owner markups can be applied under Properties > Discounts.  The Owner Markup checkbox must be selected for the markup for it to be applied as an owner markup.  An owner markup adds the markup to rent.  The amount of money added as an owner markup will be distributed to the owner as rent.  Keep in mind that commission is also calculated based on this amount.

Table of Contents

Discounts and Markups - A User's GuideAn Introduction to Discounts in the VRM System. Includes information related to owner markups, discount codes, enhanced discount functionality,...
Managing Discounts/Markups using Discount and Markup FunctionalityThis document provides details on either creating new discounts or editing existing discounts using the Enhance Discount and Markup functionality....

8.1.0 Release - Percentage Discounts Cannot Be Configured as a Nightly Charge

Discounts and Markups are setup under the ‘Properties’ main menu, (Properties > Discounts/Markups).

When creating a new discount or editing an existing discount if the amount type of ‘Percent’ is selected the ‘Nightly Configuration’ will display inactive.

A discount or markup can only be configured as a nightly charge when it is configured as a fixed dollar amount and not a percentage.


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